Hi friends,

#1- The device will help you to focus on what’s matter and will destress you from rushing and running from table to table and standing to take an order or bringing the payment machine. (include tips) (showcase that restaurants who have this feature increases their tips up to 30% because they focus on hospitality)

#2- It’s all about the way you say it and your lovely smile The magical sentence that will help you explain the solution (less than 15 seconds):

Hey my name is (Your name). Welcome to (restaurant name). Please tap your phone or scan the QR code to place your order.

#3- If the customer needs help don’t hesitate to help them and engage with them.

Note: don’t say order online 😀

#4- Focus on hospitality and engagement that will guarantee bringing the customer againThe following forms will help you in every case :

Our What'sApp number for any technical  issue


Insurance policy
Don’t worry if your guest used enabill and left without paying the bill. Just fill out the form and we will pay you on the same day.

Report Unpaid bill